July 7, 2012

Hero Face-Off 2012

Despite my late arrival at home last night, there's no stopping to go to my second cosplay convention this year: Hero Face-Off 2012. It was held at MegaTrade Hall 1 in SM Megamall Building B. This event is mainly a cosplay competition and the winner will be the representative of the Philippines for Anime Festival Asia in Singapore on November.

I didn't come to cosplay at all. I came for a new purpose, and that would be photography. Since I've been inactive in cosplay for almost 8 months already (my last cosplay was at AME Monogatari last November), I decided that I will figure out a reason to go to conventions even without a costume. Thank God He gave me a camera. It will now be put into a good use as I'll be roaming around practicing my photography skills.

Also, we had a general meeting with my other club, Otaku URule! Shot Glass, which is the photography division of my cosplay organization from my alma mater, PUP Otaku URule!. I am required to attend because I urged our founder to make this work. Hearing his visions and desire of the other members to learn, I gained the motivation to push this through. We took pictures of the cosplayers outside the hall (yes, I don't have money for the ticket) who are in really cool costumes. Thanks to my officemate who lent me his Lumix camera, I was able to keep up with the settings and produce cute pictures.

Here are some of the pictures I took:

Check the photos at my FlickR account: http://www.flickr.com/people/paupaulene .

It was a tiring day, yet I am very happy to meet other people who walks under the same light as mine. Cheers!

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