Nowadays, I am not fond of updating myself with the local news. If not for the new television in our living room, I wouldn't be able to know about the Typhoon Sendong victims. I only knew about this last Monday, when I saw my sister watching the morning news. I didn't realize that it affected Cagayan de Oro like that. Somewhat like Ondoy... or maybe worse. It suddenly occurred to me that my teammate, Kuya Dexter is from the said province. I fervently prayed that his family were safe despite the massive damage. The number of deaths are counting.

Photos from Yahoo! News
When I arrived at the office last Monday, I immediately asked Kuya Dexter about his family's condition. Good news was that everyone are safe; bad news was his wife's house and belongings were completely washed out. He narrated the story during our daily scrum meeting and decided to extend our help to them.
Lately, Sir Aries, one of our HR personnel sent an e-mail regarding the company's concern on giving donations to Sendong's victims. I didn't hesitate to shell out my extra money to help the ill-fated ones. It was a similar move I did for the Ondoy victims two years ago. I look forward that what I contributed will relieve them from what they lost.
For those who want to extend a hand to our fellowmen in Northern Mindanao, click here.
When I arrived at the office last Monday, I immediately asked Kuya Dexter about his family's condition. Good news was that everyone are safe; bad news was his wife's house and belongings were completely washed out. He narrated the story during our daily scrum meeting and decided to extend our help to them.
Lately, Sir Aries, one of our HR personnel sent an e-mail regarding the company's concern on giving donations to Sendong's victims. I didn't hesitate to shell out my extra money to help the ill-fated ones. It was a similar move I did for the Ondoy victims two years ago. I look forward that what I contributed will relieve them from what they lost.
For those who want to extend a hand to our fellowmen in Northern Mindanao, click here.